Friday, April 1, 2011

Found my fire... again...

Monday will make two weeks since I slipped and sprained my ankle. I will admit that the last two weeks have not exactly been my best moments on the journey to Andrea 2.0. Some old bad habits found me again and I slipped back into the familiarity of who I used to be. I began living for the wrong the things again, all those things I used to want that got me no where. I was beginning to think I lost my way.
The weather has been grey and it has matched my mood perfectly. Then a snowstorm sweeps in and mirrors my panic attacks in my head that I am not getting anywhere with my plan to move forward. The last two weeks have been a constant cycle of grey and snowstorms. Work slowly goes on by quietly, uneventful and it scares me when sometimes I have felt myself just going through the motions again. That is definitely a bad habit from my past, it was how I lived for the past 3 year, like a robot.
So, today my ankle is feeling better and I decided to go back to the gym. And I am so glad I did. Because I put on my old Nike's, turned up my beats, and ran straight into who I am trying to be. I feel the fire again. The change that is taking me forward might have been on hiatus during my injury but it is back and ready to kick some serious ass. Bring on the snowstorms, bring on the grey skies, bring transit mess ups and icy roads; but if this giant butt of mine can make it through just half an hour on the elliptical trainer; nothing is going to stop me. I'm on my way.