I miss school. I miss knowing what I was working for everyday; a good grade, a scholarship, a diploma, or a degree. And now out in the real world outside of school, it seems most people work just for financially survival.
When I got out of school, I settled for radio. It was not my passion, it was not the reason I went passionately into broadcasting. It was just the only job I could get in broadcasting 6 months after school. And I just thought about the fact that I was going to have to start paying off my student loans. So I turned my back on TV and paid the bills with radio.
Don't get me wrong. I don't regret my time in radio. I met great people who taught so much about writing, careers, and friendship. I had good times with them but when it came to the work, there was just no passion. I looked at the people I worked with and I knew that they loved working in radio and I thought being around them would help me love it too. But it was never my passion, never the goal I was working towards. And now, well I am laid off.
Sure, I might not have that many, if any, diplomas or degrees in my future. But maybe it is time I make some goals of my own without some educational institution dictating what I wake up for every morning. It has been a long time since I have cared about what I really wanted over, what I really have to do.
So, what do I want my life to look like in, let's say, five years? In the next five years; I want to be Andrea Marston television writer, size 6 to 10, in love, well-traveled, lively, passionate, and happy. Those are my goals. That's what I am going to wake up for tomorrow and every day after that for.