Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bully Proof

Recently I have been reading a lot of articles about bullying and unfortunately I have been a witness to some too.

Growing up with a weight problem, glasses since I was 5 years, sort of poor and not exactly that athletic or graceful; I was all too often a big fat target to bullying. I know firsthand how horrible kids can be to one another. There would be nights I would cry myself to sleep. My stomach would be in knots and I would even throw up, from being so nervous about going to school. As far back as kindergarten I can remember the name calling, the seclusion from those “cool girls”, and the pain of knowing I was not like everyone else.

My dad bought me my first journal when I was 11 years old and today that’s still the greatest gift I ever received. It was a place I could go to vent, dream and just be 100% me. It was also around that time that I found drama class and improv. When I was on stage I could be anyone and that was really freeing to me. Plus, I learned that humour was shield from all the cruel jokes. I took great pleasure in beating my slow witted bullies to the punch line.

Some kids have it a lot worse than I ever did. Not only do they have to put up with bullies at school but some parents feel the need to tear down their kids too. That is something I may never understand. How can you carry this precious person with you for 9 months and then tear them down and inundate them with unrealistic pressure to be perfect? I was lucky enough to have my family be a salvation from the cruelty of bullying and they thought me how to take pride in my individuality.

As I grew up I learned that not being like those “cool” (cruel) girls was such a blessing. They are blind, shallow and ignorant. When I look at a person I look past the name brands they wear, the colour of their skin, and the size of their clothes. I look to a person heart, soul, and character because that is what matters.

It took me 28 years, a gazillion tears, and too many heartbreaks to really learn how to love myself. I take pride in being different... glasses, big ass and beautiful soul. I love me!