Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 1 of Cleanse: Conquering Grapefruit

Growing up the fat girl, I've been dieting since a rather young age and by the pictures you can tell it was with little results. At a very young age I discovered my distaste for two diet staples – cottage cheese and grapefruit. The texture of cottage cheese makes me want to gag instantly but luckily I think it won’t be a huge deal if I just avoid cottage cheese during my cleanse and diet.
Grapefruit on the other hand, with its disgusting bitter after taste is some kind of fat-burning superfruit! So, I am going to have to conquer any damn distaste for this superfruit. I just have to think about it like this. I drink alcohol which I think tastes terrible, when it is not sweetened to the max. To me alcohol and grapefruit taste equally as bad. Alcohol is just more fun... I can go crazy and make a complete ass of myself. But is alcohol in anyway going to make me healthy and capable of doing all the things I want to do with my life? No. So grapefruit is my new booze with better results!
Day 1 of cleanse – seriously trying to make my grapefruit breakfast taste like bacon in my mind. I can do this – I can do this.
See all the reason Grapefruit is so friggin’ amazing here -